Commercial Telecoms

Managed LAN

What is it?

Heathrow’s Managed LAN service provides a secure, reliable and flexible solution to connect various customer data and IT systems across all terminals and other locations.

What do we offer?

Connectivity to locations outside Heathrow’s Managed LAN is provided via an established secure gateway. The Managed LAN service runs over Heathrow’s proven Cisco 3-layer hierarchical network. The service operates with significant separacy and diversity, providing the highest levels of resilience and availability. A modular network design means that supporting changing business requirements can be completed efficiently within the agreed SLAs. The use of layer 3 MPLS virtual private networks provides logical and secure segregation of customers. The infrastructure fully supports the transport of voice, data and video.

A customer may wish to ensure that their application is fully PCI compliant. The Managed LAN service conforms to the requirements of the Payment Card Industry (PCI).

Heathrow’s network service is aligned with the principles of the ISO 27001 - International Information Security Standard.

What are the target response times?

Down for all Down for some Down for one
Remote fix

How much does it cost?

Managed LAN 100Mb 1Gb 10Gb
Installation £192 £192 £192
Monthly £45 £141 £192

*Where available

All passive infrastructure costs are included within port charge.

What technical information do I need to know?

Every customer is provisioned with their own single or multiple, MPLS VPN(s) which are then tailored to suit individual connectivity requirements:

  • Connect external communications link at any of the Heathrow dedicated FTNS rooms
  • Fully managed and monitored by Heathrow‘s ITIL compliant network operations centre
  • Guaranteed performance and availability, backed by extremely high service levels
  • Accessed via 100Mbps ports with built in port security
  • For services capable of operational disruption, a dual passive outlet will alwaysbe provisioned so that one of the outlets (ports) is always available at any time

Why us?

  • Our fully ECAP approved solution fits in with airport wireless transmission regulations
  • Can be connected to your own internal networks via a layer 2 connection
  • Our onsite dedicated support team offers you 24x7x365 service and support
  • Reduce your costs to support complex airside locations
  • Fully integrate Heathrow’s Broadband and Managed LAN solutions
  • Leverage our extensive airport experience of your location