Commercial Telecoms

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WHSmith InMotion's internal communication by Commercial Telecoms

Published: 03/05/2022  General

Customer satisfaction and success have always been at the heart of Commercial Telecoms. InMotion, the largest airport-based electronics retailer in the UK with 120+ stores, offers travellers electronics on the go, including headphones, tablets, portable power, and mobile accessories.

During our long-standing collaboration with InMotion, Commercial Telecoms has successfully supported InMotion's internal communication requirements. InMotion required a robust network to provide connectivity to all their locations, enabling them to run their retail operations seamlessly. Heathrow Commercial Telecoms worked with InMotion to match their requirements with our suite of products and services, providing a secure connection to their employees.

The core services provided to InMotion were

  1. Wired managed LAN connectivity
  2. Wireless connectivity leveraging our shared CT_Roaming SSID
  3. Heathrow broadband

Heathrow Commercial Telecoms deployed a Wired Managed LAN service available throughout all terminals. Our Design Team worked closely with our technical counterparts at InMotion to configure the network and firewalls, allowing segregation of corporate traffic and general breakout to the internet. As InMotion utilised the Heathrow broadband service, this makes future changes and service requirements via our 24/7 IT Service Desk easier to respond to. 

InMotion required WiFi to be available in all stores and stock rooms. Furthermore, they required wireless traffic to be segregated depending on the end devices, whether corporate devices, point of sale devices or demo devices for passengers within stores. We created multiple networks leveraging our shared CT_Roaming SSID, making it easy for InMotion to expand their services to all Heathrow Terminals. 

We have enabled InMotion to open locations before Christmas and throughout 2022 within Terminal 2, 3, and 5. Commercial Telecoms will continue working with InMotion to return to the soon-to-reopen Heathrow Terminal 4. If you would like to find out more about our services regarding your telecoms and network services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to assist you.

Testimonial from InMotion:
"This was a great example of real team collaboration between Heathrow Commercial Telecoms and WHS working together to open some fantastic looking stores."